Blah, Blah, Blog

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!  Happy New Year!
Happy Holidays!  Happy New Year!
Happy Holidays!  Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Time to get busy!

OMG! I have been so sick for two weeks now!  I am behind in everything in life not just school work.  I am not going to panic.  I can take the time and do this.  I wish I chose the subject I am using in my Nutrition class for the subject in my English class.  It is so interesting!  GMO's are a frightening thing!
I am not happy about being force fed genetically modified foods.  It seems to help the government and the farmers but not the consumers! 
I have been wondering where all these aggressive bugs that look like the "nicer" ones we normally see are coming from.  For instance,  the lady bug beetles that are taking over the lady bugs we are used to seeing, they are doing away with the better ones and there are many more of them and they are ruining crops.  Maybe if science would quit messing with nature we would not have these issues!  Soon we are going to be the food of the mutated bugs we are creating....H.G. Wells would have a winner novel with this subject!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

I'm a Twitt now!

Great!!  Now I had this idea to post stuff about my personal diet and lifestyle for the world to see.  Not that anyone would be particularly interested but for some reason it makes me feel like I am accountable more this way.  Besides it feels soooo good to vent even if no one is listening.... it's much more acceptable to talk to yourself in text than in person!

Professor Duncan I think you opened a can of worms introducing me to this blog stuff!  Now I found Twitter, I have heard of it, thought it was silly, and now I'm a Twitt!  Thank you - I think! :)


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Start Thinking about New Years Resolutions! OR NOT!!

Hey all!  I know Holiday celebrations are just a few weeks away!  Did we get all our Black Friday- Cyber Monday deals?  Not me, I still have things to buy for people.  I may even make a few gifts they are always more personal and friendly.  I started thinking about the holidays and New years  Eve and what it means to people to make resolutions.

Resolutions date back as far as biblical times.  People used to resolve about things that had to do with harvests and farming.  In the 21st century we are more concerned with diets, health, and money.  People resolve to lose weight, quit smoking, and save money.

I wonder if resolutions really have any basis anymore.  I meet more and more people who don't believe in making them for fear of knowing full well they will not keep them.  I, myself, would love to make a resolution to get fit this year because I am getting into a health field. That would warrent me being fit to exemplify that I know my stuff!  Then, I think, why? I should be able to commit and start NOW not wait until Jan. 1st!  It would just be an excuse to put it off if I wait.

I think blogging and telling everyone what I am doing daily might just put me on the spot so to speak so that I do hold myself accountable! Hmmmmm.... I think I just challenged myself.... I may create a new blog for all my facebook friends to see....

Anywho!  Happy Holidays! Have a great New Year... Resolutions or not!


Friday, November 26, 2010

I love Being a Student!

I love being an online student.  I like taking as many or as few hours a day to do my work as I want.
When you have husband, kids, girl scouts, volunteering, etc... it's nice to be able to break up your day and get the school work done.  If I had to go to a class room I would never make it to class.  There are times when I am in seminar and my kids are on the floor in front of me with coloring books and crayons listening in and making comments. 
I like that other students in the on line classes seem to have the same line of thinking as myself.  It seems on line students take on a higher level of responsibility and commit to a higher level of learning than in a traditional classroom setting.  I feel like I learn so much not only from my instructors but from my peers as well.
I think on line students have a greater sense of community with eachother and go out of their way to help eachother out, kind of like "I got your back" stuff.
I think time and technology are leading us all to on line learning.  I won't be surprised if even junior high kids are taking some of all of their courses for school on line in the next decade. 

Black Friday!! AGGGHHHH!!

People are crazy!  I took my kids 6 and 5 yr old girls with me at 6:30 a.m. to the stores to get a few things I needed for Christmas.... I know! Iknow! But I had no choice their daddy had to work and I don't leave them with anyone but family.  Anyway, what a hot mess!  We only went to three stores and I wanted to at least mame a few people.

Why do adults turn into  little kids when they can't get what they want?  My girls were looking at some of the people like they needed their mommy or daddy to give them a time out!

I think next year I will suck it up and pay full or just sale price for stuff.  It is not worth the beers I have to crack when I get home just to calm my nerves!

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!  Looking forward to the Christmas holiday so I can see all my hard work paid off when I see the smiling faces for the gifts I got for people!


Sunday, November 21, 2010


Being a Blogger so far....

O.k. this isn't so bad.  I looked up some other blogs and these things are pretty cool.  There are blogs for every interest.  I think the downside is now I want to play on blogs instead of doing homework!  Good job Professor!  :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Holy Blogging!

O.K.  Here goes!  I have no idea how this works or where it goes or who sees it.

I am in my 4th term at Kaplan.  I am interested in Health and Wellness.  I really want to help kids who are on the path to obesity not ever get there, or help kids who are obese get healthy habits going and change their lifestyles.

I am a 41 yr old wife and mother.  I am a stay at home mom ( which I don't get cause I have so much to do with the girls at their school plus my own chores that I am never really AT home).  I volunteer at an animal shelter close to home and just started being a Daisy scout leader for my kindergartner.  I also help with the Brownies that my first grader is in.  I take two classes at Kaplan at a time, I can't possibly handle anymore than that.  I am trying to make it to the YMCA a few days a week so I can "walk the talk" in my profession  (when I find it!) 

I love reading, music, and "old lady" crafts.  That's what all my friends call it.  They find it amusing to see me knitting while I am listening to heavy metal or watching a scary movie. 

I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know how this works in the future!
